A Life Journey documented in an online journal.

Timely news to keep family and friends up to date on my life…

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Four Years later, what a different world…

So it’s been a very long time since I’ve updated this blog about JC.  Call me lazy or just that I’ve been enjoying my time with my boy and have forgotten to post updates about what’s he’s doing.  Well he’s in the 3rd grade now and it feels like yesterday he was in Kindergarten.  Time flies with this very active soon to be 8yr old.

…So we were in Bestbuy the other day looking at a present for Nena, shhhh, don’t tell her we got her a laptop :)  Hope she loves it!!…  Ok, back to the story, so yeah we were in Bestbuy and we come across a mac book.  JC starts to look at it and play around, we launch Safari and I tell him to check out the websites he usually looks at for games and stuff (i.e. Nick.com).  Once he’s finished, I tell him, you know you have your own website right?  He looks at me and says, “I don’t have a website, that’s impossible”.  Little did he know, I told him to type www.jeancarlo.com and to his surprise we found this site.

Now that he’s shocked and doesn’t know what to say.  I tell him I created this site for him when he was born.  We started looking at posts from his early days and reading how he has come along.  He read about his 3rd bday and says, “hey I remember my 3rd birthday”.  I wish I can’t remember my 21st let alone my 3rd but I digress.  So long story short, be on the look out for more posts in the future but since JC knows how to use the computer, he’ll be the one posting them 🙂

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Hey there, remember me??

Well it’s been months since this blog was updated but I’ll tell you this, there have been updated pictures in the gallery so if you miss seeing me, well just head on over to the gallery.�

So what have I been up too since I turned 3, well if you ask my parents it’s been a whole of things, but if you ask me I’d say I’ve just been growing steadily and being the best boy my Mom/Dad could’ve ever asked for :)

Just look, I even help my Dad at work:

JeanCarlo at Work with Dad

Well, I just wanted to give you a heads up as to what I’ve been doing, while my Dad has been busy flying all around for work, I’ve been making sure he keeps his job :) .

Next stop for me?  Well, you’ll just have to come back here in a few weeks and see what’s new in my life as a 3 year old.

� One last thing that is very close and dear to my heart, God knows I would’ve be here today if it weren’t for the Love of my parents, the caring of the Doctors in the Hospital and all of you that support the March of Dimes. I want to encourage all of you to pledge your support to continue to help babies who are born premature and need all the caring in the world to continue to grow strong and healthy as me!

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3rd birthday

Wow! JeanCarlo is three years old. Thank you everyone who came out to Chuck E Cheese’s to celebrate this milestone in JeanCarlo’s life. JeanCarlo had a wonderful time and I hope everyone else did also. J.C. is talking and learning more everyday. He recognizes colors, letter and his numbers. He understands how to joke around to make you laugh. His latest joke is to say another persons name when you ask him what is his name. He’ll mention another name and laugh so much it makes you laugh. Who would have thought the 2.5 pound little boy would be this big so quickly.

Again thanks everyone who came out. Take a look at the pictures and spot the celebrity.

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Summer is almost over…

It’s time for me to go to school. So I bet you want to know what I’ve been up to this summer well, I’ve been learning how to use the bathroom to do my duties instead of what I’ve been used to for these past couple of years, in that of my diaper :(

It’s been a long summer having to remember to tell Mommy and Daddy when I need to go to the bathroom but I think I may have got it! Now i’m ready to start pre-K and be a big boy :)

This summer has been pretty fun, i’ve gone to Sesame again and the Bronx Zoo a couple of times with grandpa and Mommy. I also made some new friends and we went to the Childrens Museum…Take a look at the Picture Gallery to see my photo journal of those events.

Next month I’ll tell you how my first day at school went :)

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Happy Easter!

Easter pictures have been added to the Picture Gallery

We had a lot of fun at the Childrens museum in Manhattan and with my easter basket. What are you waiting for? Stop reading and start viewing the pictures

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Funny stuff I’m doing these days

When my Mommy puts me to sleep I like to pretend that I’m sleeping by rolling over and acting like I’m snoring :)

Fooled you Mom!

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Baby Trivia

Hi i’m JeanCarlo, do you know what my middle name is? Leave your guesses in the comments section

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Happy New Year!!!

So it’s a New Year and with each new year there are so many challenges awaiting and new things just waiting to be discovered by JeanCarlo. So what can he do these days, well I’ll tell you this he has gotten funnier as he’s grown up. He knows how to make you laugh and he’s just a little happy baby! I guess he gets his sense of humor from Daddy :)

In case you are wondering, there are new pictures up so take a look at the growing boy.

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Happy Holidays!

From our family to yours, we would like to wish you all a very Happy Holidays and prosperous 2005!

By the way, Holiday pictures have been added to the gallery…

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Happy Halloween!!

Halloween marked JC’s 2nd year of life and as what some may call, the terrible two’s. We had a great time and thank all of you who came out to celebrate with us.

In case you didn’t see JeanCarlo, he was cleverly disguised as SuperBoy, even though sometimes we feel he should be BamBam because he is so strong!

Pictures should be in the gallery so feel free to view and comment on them…

Hope you enjoyed your Halloween!

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